Welcome to March, GBCH Friends!
February was a lot of fun with students participating in the Centuries of Excellence: Black History Student Exhibition, creating music, working on their oratory skills, and participating in a step dancing workshop. It was wonderful to see them come alive, stretch themselves, and show what they are made of.
This month we will turn our attention to Business! Students will have the opportunity to develop a product, think about marketing, and study the great entrepreneurs that have come before them. Wonderful speakers, activities, and an outdoor market await us in this month’s activities.
Also this month, our oratory students will finish learning to recite MLK’s Mountaintop speech and record a video to submit to the Lincoln Oratory Project. Each session they are improving and becoming more confident in their speaking and stage presence. We hope that you will be able to join us for the debut of their final project. Stay tuned!
In closing, we are excited to have you join us for all of March’s activities and special events. Cheers to a safe and blessed month.
Ja’Near Garrus
GBCH Director
Group Meeting: 3/11

Club Day: 3/18
Students will review the concept of entrepreneurship, parts of a business plan and share information about different entrepreneurs.
In addition, students will hear from entrepreneur Tony Jackson, owner of TRUST, Inc., a Christian clothing company (www.trusttk.com).

We will start out the meeting with a speaker, Naima Winston, followed by Centuries Club and Maker’s Club.
Naima Winston is kidpreneur, speaker, and Baltimore native best known for her participation in The Food Network television shows Kid Baking Championship and the Sweetings Holiday episode. We are excited to have her speak to our students and share how she turned her passion into a business.
Maker’s Club Activity: No-Sew Face Masks
Entrepreneurship Day: 3/25

We are looking forward to our entrepreneurship market day on Monday, March 22nd at Meadowood Regional Park. Please bring something to “sell.” In the past, we have had students sell t-shirts, hair bows, necklaces, lemonade, snacks, bookmarks, and stem kits. Each student will be given GBCH currency to buy and sell with.
We are sure to have a great time and learn from each other!